School Desk Blog: Ukiah Adult School Offers Variety of High-Quality Programs

The Ukiah Adult School (UAS) is an integral part of the Ukiah Unified School District and the Mendocino Lake Adult & Career Education Consortium.  We provide high-quality instruction for our diverse community of adult learners to achieve their family, workforce and personal goals. UAS staff work to enable our students to acquire the competencies necessary to improve their lives through gainful employment, personal enrichment, and positive contributions to the community. We have had a highly successful year at UAS and I would like to let you know about some of our programs.

UAS will be celebrating our Class of 2019 High School Diploma graduates on May 30th at 6:00 pm in the Ukiah High School Cafetorium.  This will be one of our biggest classes ever with 46 graduates. We serve these students at our local campus, in Covelo in collaboration with Round Valley Unified School District, and in the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Correctional Facility.  These graduates have worked hard to overcome personal barriers and challenges to achieve their high school diploma or equivalency. Come join us and help celebrate their fantastic achievements.

In our Vocational Nursing program, we graduated 34 students in January of 2019.  Of those students, 75% of them have taken their professional licensing exam, and 95% of them have passed.  We are working closely with Adventist Health Ukiah Valley to coordinate the hiring of a Vocational Nursing Director.  We are very thankful for their collaboration and coordination surrounding this work. If you are interested in applying for admission to this program, please check weekly.  We will begin accepting applications as soon as possible after the placement of a Director.  Our goal is to start the next class in September of 2019.

We continue to collaborate with Mendocino College to offer ESL classes.  We offer both preparatory and beginning level classes in the morning and evening.  Our hope is that all ESL students complete the pathway to proficiency in the English language that supports their personal goals and enables them to integrate successfully into our community.  

Our Citizenship class is offered Monday evenings and this course is designed to support participants through the application process and prepares them for the interview.  Materials covered include important events in United States History, the Constitution, powers, and duties of federal, state and local governments, American institutions and ideals, as well as the privileges, duties, and responsibilities of citizenship.

We are proud to partner with the Ukiah Valley Association of Habilitation (UVAH) by providing instructional staff, vehicles, materials, and supplies.  Our partnership helps UVAH meet their vision and mission of helping people with disabilities meet their full potential as individuals and become productive citizens in our community. We currently co-enroll 93 adults with UVAH in the various programs and services that our instructors support.

All this is made possible through adult education funding provided by the California Department of Education Adult Education Program, The Federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunities Act Grant, and Ukiah Unified School District contributions. If you are interested in any of our programs or have questions, please call us at 707-463-5217.