Help identify hazard risks in Mendocino County

The County’s hazard mitigation plan, which includes municipalities and school districts via the County Office of Education, explains prevalent hazards within the county and how hazards may affect communities differently. Most importantly, the mitigation strategy presented in the plan responds to the known vulnerabilities within each community and provides prescriptions or actions to achieve the greatest reduction of natural hazard risk. This planning effort could result in saved lives, reduced injuries, reduced property damage, and protection for the environment in the event of a natural hazard within the County.
Over the coming months, the county stakeholders will finalize newly-developed mitigation action strategies based upon stakeholder and public consensus. To establish public perceptions of local hazards and mitigation strategies, the county developed a short community survey. Anyone who completes the survey by July 31st, 2020 will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a variety of donated prizes. This short survey will help the County and participating jurisdictions prioritize mitigation actions and establish incentives for mitigating hazards near your home.

Survey respondents will be entered to win a grand prize of a $150 Stihl power tool voucher. Power tools are a great way to reduce vegetation around homes for wildfire mitigation and reduce the unwieldy branches that cause damage to property or utility outages during severe storms. For more information on the planning effort or the survey please visit