Amazing things are happening at Grace Hudson Language Academy and in schools everywhere. Spreading the word of positivity in education is somewhat of a challenge in these tumultuous times, however, school staff in all corners of the world continue to dig deep and provide support to and engage our youth in learning opportunities. Our dual language immersion program is a tremendous tool our community has for teaching students to become bilingual and biliterate, increasing cognitive capacity and critical thinking levels, and improving cultural awareness and appreciation for our diverse society. At Grace Hudson Language Academy, we want to spread the good news about our school!
Students at Grace Hudson love coming to school. Our dedicated staff are kind and respectful to our students and are fantastic role models. They keep their expectations high for all students. I am very fortunate to work with a staff that can adapt and pulls together in times of need. There is always an extra hand, someone to cover or provide a kind word. Great schools cannot exist without great kids and their families, and the diversity of our community is what makes our school so great! Every child and adult is enriched by being a part of Grace Hudson. We are genuinely here to learn, grow and take advantage of every opportunity available to us.
The climate of our school includes its kids and its diversity, but it offers much more than that. A positive and nurturing environment doesn’t happen by accident. Our students and staff are a community of learners, and community is the heart of what we strive to establish at Grace Hudson Language Academy. Let me tell you what has been happening in our learning community recently.
Grace Hudson is always an exciting, energetic, fun-filled place for students, staff, and parents. We continue to have our monthly Golden Award assemblies; we have several ways to recognize students and their classrooms each month. We have the Golden Ball (PE), Golden Shoe (hallways), Golden Book (Library), and the Golden Dustpan (organized and clean classroom). Each of these awards is given out to a K-2 class and a 3-5 class that demonstrate the desired behavior in these essential areas at school.
We also have signs throughout the school that remind students of our three school expectations; Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe. These signs also display examples of the desired behaviors and expectations. In addition, we have the Principal’s award for students who demonstrate our three expectations. Students recognized for our Spanish Language award have shown their Spanish reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
Our school worked on The Great Kindness Challenge in the last week of January, and students filled out checklists of all the kind things they did for our school community. Our Conflict Manager program has also begun. These students are skilled at supporting and helping students solve problems out on the playground. I am so proud of our Grace Hudson students. They are the best!
The last day that Grace Hudson will be accepting TK and Kinder registrations to be eligible for the 2022-2023 school year is Friday, February 17, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. You will automatically be on the waitlist if you register after this date, even if you have a sibling at Grace Hudson or live in the neighborhood. Please pass the word on to your friends, neighbors, and any interested parties. We will hold the TK/K Lottery on February 28, 2022, via Zoom. If you have any questions, please call 707-472-5460 or email me at [email protected]. Thank you!