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The District Advisory Committee (DAC) is to monitor and revise as needed the Strategic Plan/LCAP, and other state and federal plans as needed, and gives input to the District’s budget. The District Advisory Committee is an “advisory” group and makes recommendations to the Superintendent. 


The committee is made up of Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Chief Business Official, Executive Assistant, one certificated and one classified staff member from each site, one representative from MOT, one classified manager, one confidential classified member, one food service representative, one technology staff member, one CSEA appointed representative and one UTA appointed representative, one secondary and one elementary administrator, two board members, one parent representative from each school site, two high school students, one DELAC parent representative, one Title VII parent representative, and 3 community representatives (one from Mendocino Community College and one from MCOE if possible).

The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is to monitor and revise as needed the Strategic Plan/LCAP, and other state and federal plans as needed, and gives input to the District’s budget. The PAC is an “advisory” group and makes recommendations to the Superintendent. This committee is a subcommittee of the District Advisory Committee (DAC) and is composed of parents from the DAC.